
Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Clinic today was all good news. Let me tell you it is so much better to hear good news than bad (obviously). I remember going to clinic pretty much terrified for the doctors to come in, because I was sick of hearing bad news. Today, my platelets were 110, my kidneys looked good, I gained a little weight, and we even talked about taking my line out. I am a little nervous to have my line out, just because it is a really big deal....and I don't want to get it taken out only to have it be put back in again later. But on the other hand I am very VERY excited to get it out. It will be one more step towards normalcy which I really could use. Also, I am still tapering off of my immunesuppressant and should be completely done with it in May! Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, they have helped me get to the point that I am at today. Thank you!



  1. I love your great news!! I'm so happy for you!

  2. So glad to hear so much good news! Hooray!!!

  3. yeah! it's great to hear so wonderful news!
    Anita and Dominik

  4. Good job Rachel. I've prayed that your body would do what it needs to for you to have a complete recovery. The Lord has helped you and you have done what you need to do. You are very strong. You have been through so much. I pray the Lord will continue to bless you always. Love Coreyne

  5. Rachel, I am soo excited for your great news. I will continue to pray that the Lord will bless you and guide you. Thank you for your inspiration and faith, you teach us all so much as we watch you conquer so many trials. You are loved so very much!!
    Connie Pond

  6. This is AWSOME! It does me so good to see that maybe things will get better and we will have good news one day!! You are such an inspiration!

  7. That is so great!!!!!! We are so excited you are doing so well.

  8. Great news, great job keeping your health and spirits up! Keep smiling, it is as contagious as your attitude!

  9. Bula!!!:)
    Sorry for staying out of touch Rachel. Im really glad to hear that your doing great. Just droppin by to see how your doing and thanks for the band!!! Really like the striking orange colour!

    Ephraim Maiwiriwiri

  10. Congratulations! I am so glad you got good news.
